

歌手: 所属专辑: 词: 曲:
歌词编辑:91歌词网 发布时间:2024-08-22 本歌词有256个文字,大小约为1KB,预计阅读时间1分钟。


Night creatures call
And the dead start to walk in their masquerade
There's no escapin' the jaws of the alien this time
This is the end of your life
They're out to get you there's demons closing in on every side
They will possess you unless you change the number on your dial
Now is the time for you and I to cuddle close togethe


[00:02.410]Night creatures call
[00:03.960]And the dead start to walk in their masquerade
[00:10.260]There's no escapin' the jaws of the alien this time
[00:17.360]This is the end of your life
[00:23.810]They're out to get you there's demons closing in on every side
[00:31.960]They will possess you unless you change the number on your dial
[00:38.160]Now is the time for you and I to cuddle close together


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